A woman brushing her teeth in front of a mirror.

Covid Update

Dear friends, We are so thankful to be taking care of our patients, helping them solve their dental problems, and working together to create healthy smiles.

As many of you know we have implemented new protocols in our practice in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here is what we have done and what you can expect when you come to our office:

We have designed your entire visit to be contactless by: opening the door for you, escorting you to the chair and when you are done you can check out via our contactless payment methods.

We will ask that you stay in your car and enter the office 3 to 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment.

We are going to meet you at the front door and we will open the door for you.

We will ask you a few Covid-19 screening questions

We will take your temperature.

Hand sanitizer will be offered to you if you wish to use it.

We will escort you to your suite while making sure you don’t come into contact with anyone else with good social distancing protocols.

All team members, including the doctor, will have their temperature taken every morning.

We will also be wearing masks at all times.

Our patients who are immunocompromised or have a family member who is immunocompromised will be seen first thing in the morning or first in the afternoon.

The research continues to show that wearing a mask, washing your hands and disinfecting surfaces are the best way to prevent infections. We thoroughly do all this. Most days, our staff members wash their hands up to 50 times because of what we do.

While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same: our commitment to your safety. If you have any questions, please call or text the office and Candy and Kim will be here to answer your questions.

I will leave you with the words of one of our patients, Sammie C., who said, “I felt totally safe coming for my cleaning. They took all the precautions that I expected them to take and more. The practice staff explained to me the enhanced protocols they have in place and I am glad I had the opportunity to get my cleaning. I especially liked that they made my visit contactless by the excellent service they provide. I am going back soon to get my crown!”

Thank you for being our patients, supporting our practice, and trusting us with your dental health care. We look forward to seeing you at your next appointment!

Varun P. Joseph, D.D.S, M.A, M.B.A

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